Not-so-quick-start Guide


Project by Categories



  • Focuses on the technique to obtain or “scrape” data that are located anywhere on the world wide web
  • The data can be both “structured” or “unstructured”
  • Strutured data are data that are stored in the form of traditional row-column database
  • Unstructured data on the other hand are basically everything else than the traditional row-column database. This can include - but not limited to - presentation slides, movie ratings, a picture on a website, or a report of a pandemic on WHO website
  • Compared to structured data, unstructured are a bit more complicated, either to scrape them, or to clean them



  • Focuses on the technique of transforming of messy or un-tidy data into “tidy” data, which is a term revolutionized by Hadley Wickham in his popular journal article
  • Messy data can be both structured and unstructured data
  • Tidy data are a lot more easier to analysis, as it has the formal structure where;
    1. Each variable forms a column
    2. Each observation forms a row
    3. Each type of observational unit forms a table


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Focuses on the technique of exploring the data to answer questions and visualizing the results
  • EDA allows us to validate data and unravel the relationships between variables
  • It is common to use summary statistics and regression models in EDA

Exploratory Data Analysis

Machine Learning

  • Focuses on the technique of “supervised” and “unsupervised” learning
  • Supervised learning is done when we expect an output from a particular dataset, say predicting how many people will buy a particular service or product
  • Unsupervised learning on the other hand focuses on the natural structure of the dataset, say given a large dataset of people, can we categorize them into such and such clusters depending on their natural characteristics?

Machine Learning


  • Focuses on the technique of visualizing the findings from the data in order to communicate the findings clearly and efficiently
  • The audience can be both from those who are well-versed in the field of data science and those who are not familiar with the field
  • Beautiful are not the main goal in visualizations; it is comprehensibility and accuracy. Beautiful is a plus

Express Projects

  • A category for projects that are too simple to be broken down into the above categories
  • Each project are completed in a single post

Express Projects  

Project Naming Convention


  • Each project will have a name that comprises of three(3) parts
  • First part consist of the actual name of the dataset that are utilized
  • Second part consist of the name of the project’s category. It is separated from the first part with “-“
  • Third part consist of the name of the programming language that are utilized. It is enclosed in brackets
  • For example, consider a project titled “Parkinson’s Disease - Machine Learning (RStudio)”. “Parkinson’s Disease” is the first part, “Machine Learning” is the second part, and “(RStudio)” is the name of the programming language
  • Keep the naming convention in mind as you browse the website. It makes navigating the projects a lot easier